Brief: Outdoor

People don't consider Hungry Jack’s when they want to try out meat-free alternatives to burgers.

The task? Get Aussies to try out the Rebel Whopper.


Brief: Film

There’s a glut of devices & apps promoting a better lifestyle, higher quality sleep and deep relaxation. Consumers are confused as to what works and who to trust.

The task: Grow Calm’s business share in the relaxation and meditation app sector.

Brief: Radio

Tesla are well known for producing environmentally friendly vehicles with self-driving ability. Yet few are aware that they also produce some of the world’s safest vehicles.

The task: Get more Australian families into a Tesla Model X.

Brief: Experiential

Every week, three young Australians under the age of 35 lose their lives to sudden cardiac death. There are significant gaps in understanding the causes of sudden cardiac death in young people.

Give with Heart Day is The Heart Foundation’s annual giving day.

The task: Get more people than ever before to donate towards research into sudden cardiac death in the young.

Brief 7 - Mobile

The rise of Uber Eats, Jimmy Brings and Amazon have changed the game with a seamless mobile experience. When young people need to buy drinks, they’re turning to the online booze retailers to place an order, while BWS are being placed in the “too hard” basket.

The task: Get more Aussies buying booze online from BWS on their phone.

Brief: Direct

Wicked Campers is experiencing a significant and immediate drop in bookings - down 50% from last year. This is primarily due to the impact of recent events on Australian tourism.

The task: to convince Australians to book a road trip in Australia this year with Wicked Campers.

Brief: Integrated

Office spaces have changed dramatically over the last decade from open plan to hot desking. These office environments although collaborative makes, come with sound challenges. It’s sometimes hard to hear yourself think. In a high-performance corporate environment, there is no time for constant distraction. You need space to focus and succeed.

The task: get people to buy the new Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700


Brief 10 - Strategy

The task: To find a new market for a client’s existing product, create a brief and execute using an appropriate and effective format. This could be understood as either finding a new target audience or changing the way people use the product to attract a different consumer.


Uniting WA